happy halloween! i love halloween (: even though i dun celebrate it. cause the cartoons shown are so nice on halloween! (esp nickelodeon) haha. the halloween games on msn are also nt bad (:
okay enough talk abt halloween. here's one website recommendation you guys shud seriously check out.
Yahoo! Music. its really gd. even thought yo can't download the songs, at least you can hear them. your shud go and watch the videos, cause some of the songs, can't be heard only in the videos. okay, i dun think you get what i mean. nvrm. life's abt trial and error (:
i love 40 KINDS OF SADNESS. by ryan cabrera. ITS SO NICE. its pretty slow but really nice!! can't get enough of it. lalalalalala. i can't download it! argh. all my sources dun haf it. dammit. hmm. guess i haf to get the cd. shucks. thats like 20 bucks gone. argh. nvrm. cause the songs rock!! ahha.
its the last day of school. sobs. sigh. i love going to sch! that is, when there aren't any tchrs or lessons going on. today was like SO fun. esp after recess. kelly and i were walking ard, cause there wasn't any tchrs then there were some sec 1s and 2s playing volleyball downstairs at the first floor, so we went to the second floor to watch them play.
after awhile, went down to the first floor to sit at the stone thingys cause our legs were getting tired. then suddenly someone shouted our names frm upstairs. it was aik song. haha. funny guy. he wanted to take our photos (sick), but then when he call us there wasn't enough batteries. haha. lame. awhile ltr, lulu came, and had chinese lessons for like ONE hr. felt like gagging. she went thru the end-yr chinese ppr. bo-oring.
after her class was english. and our eng tchr dint come, so we were free. WOOHOO. we went down again. grace went with us too. went down to play volleyball with pohkee, kelly and grace. then more ppl started to come down then ltr, almost the whole lower sec block was in chaos. haha. esp the sec 2s. they were like every where except their class. haha. so many more funny things happened in between. ain't gona mention. kinda private info.
ltr, we got back our REPORT BOOKS. yes, our REPORT BOOKS. my results are okay i guess. really dun like the chinese results. so sucky. wanna see my results? look below the links on the left.
after that my mom brought me to sakae. we had the all-you-can-eat buffet. yes, be jealous (: we dint haf lunch so was like a high-tea or smth. soba is really gd. damn bloated right now. can't think straight. haha.
mrs kong is leaving the school. i can't believe it. actually, she's been here for like 6 years, so its pretty understandable. we had a fairwell assembly in the hall at abt 12. before that, every class got a piece of vanguard sheet to make a fairwell card for mrs kong. i think is idea is pretty sweet :) we had to finish it before the assembly as the chairman of every class from sec 1 - 3 had to present their class's one on stage. during the first part of the assembly, mrs kong hugged like almost all the teachers. its like a hug-a-thon. haha. lots of ppl were tearing away, i guess they were pretty close to mrs kong. even students were tearing! mostly the upper sec but there were even sec 1s tearing! i dunno. i mean we only know her for like a year? but girls are naturally more emotional. mrs kong is really caring and love the school loads. she was crying and crying all the while.
after that, the chairman of each class went up on stage to present the vanguard sheet to mrs kong. some classes did it til it was like FAB. some had hearts with wings! its so ga-ga. but its really sweet and nice :) my class did it kinda okay i guess. but its the thought that counts right? hehe. 1n1 did theirs really nice, they had their baby photos pasted on the vanguard sheet which was cut into the shape of a heart. pretty cool eh?
we then had the CHINESE story-telling competition thing. bo-oring. actually it was okay at first. i think our class's one was pretty gd. but we won 2nd. its actually nt bad. some other classes's story was so long, that i got lost one-quater way and got bored. the dudes infront of me were playing some uno cards. they were kinda sucky. no offence. i'm just saying what i feel. when grace and i were cheering for some teachers and mrs kong, etc, they wud like turn ard or smth and show a
face. plus, they kept shouting vulgarities at each other. felt like slapping their faces and throwing them over the ledge. irritating geeks. sheesh.
watched flightplan today. gosh, its SO nice! its a suspense kinda movie, so mayb some ppl wun like it. but the script is REALLY gd (: i give it 5.75/6. its really nice. you guys shud seriously go and watch it (:
before that, grace and i went to ngee ann poly cause they had this convention thing there. on the way there, we kinda got lost. cause we boarded the wrong bus. haha. we called her mom then after abt 15 min we reached ngee ann. it was raining kinda heavily by then. so sucky, cause my shoes were getting so wet.
we went to haf lunch at the cafeteria and while waiting for our food we met this guy. haf no idea how old he is. he's from spain, i think. we thought he was from italy, cause of his accent. ain't that cool?! he was really frenly and stuff but he couldn't understand some of our pronounciation (actually it was only one). when he asked us what we were doing in ngee ann, we said that we were there for a
maths convention. phonetically speaking, we pronounced it as
mats convention. see the difference? haha. kinda funny eh? after awhile he understood. lol.
then we went to the convention centre where the maths thing was held and we played some games. we kinda sticked out like a sore thumb cause our uniform was kinda outstanding. haha. we went to different stations to try the different games. the air-con in the convention centre was so nice cause the rain and the humidity outside really sucked.
after the convention, we went to the library, which is frigging cool!! they can lend stuff like music cds, watch shows, listen to music, borrow books (duh), borrow videotapes, get food to eat, etc!! nice eh? when we went in, grace had to return a book i think, then we saw the spanish guy (not going to mention his name) again. haha. he was with one guy from austria called david and looked like DAVID BECKHAM. haha. actually, i ain't a big fan of david beckham. haha. too bad. he introduced us, and blah blah blah. actually, we dun even know them very well. haha. people at ngee ann are REALLY frenly (: btw, i'm nt being sarcastic. promise (:
oh yea, i heard frm nick that trl showed the video of
dance, dance by fall out boy?! GOD. that would be so, SO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that song rocks!! its like one of the bestest fall out boy song i've heard!!!!!!!!! i HAVE to watch that video. i'm getting goosebumps. gosh. i have to go and watch mtv now. hope they're showing it. i know the odds are like 999,999 to 1, but i'll just try my luck (:
lalalala. i won an award today. i can't believe it. gosh. and its for
unbelivable huh? i dun go pass teachers greeting them like 'gd morning/afternoon whoever'. dunno. ms wong said that this is a gd thing cause next time when i wanna get a job or sumthing can show it? haha.
after that we went bac to class and it was REALLY boring. people were playing CHESS. yes, chess. or uno or yughio(dunno how to spell)!
a few of us wanted to play 'taidi' (also duno how to spell), then the teachers dun allow poker cards. stupid. so in the end about 7 of us played 'muderer'. hah. so funny. then halfway thru, when there wasn't a teacher, we played 'cheat' or if you like, 'bluff' and wenhao had to keep taking the card, cause he kept on accusing ppl of cheating. hahaha. then in the end he almost had the whole deck in his hand. haha. we also played blackjack, but only a little.
at the ending of recess, grace and i saw jasmine and shuo ting, and they told us that there was going to be a spot-check. we quickly went up to class to get our mp3s then went to find upper-sec. haha. but then in the end went to her class and cannot find her. so we went bac to class, and they told us that there wasn't going to be a spot-check. so most of us were really fed-up. then in the end is jin ming who told jasmine they all that there was going to be a spot-check. felt like strangling him.
after recess was that orchid hybrid thingy. grace said that it was like helping the plants go thru sexual intercourse. HAHAHA. it was so boring. we had to take the pollen grains frm one flower than cross-pollinate it with another type of plant. like an orchid with a lily or smth like that. then we had early dismissal (:
anyone heard the fall out boy album -- from under the cork tree ? its actually REALLY nice. at first it wasnt that nice then after listening for a few times, its really nice. i really like
our lawyer made us change the name of this song so that we wouldn't get sued
of all the gin joints in the world
sugar we're going down (OBVIOUS)
nobody puts a baby in the corner
actually, i LOVE the whole album (: ahha. they rock.
got back our results today. the first paper given back was the math and we all did quite well. i got an A1!! woohoo!! i hate chinese. stupid subject. its so going to pull my grades down. argh. i got a C6 thankyouverymuch. all the other subjects are pretty okay. still like my math and d&t best (:
then after that, the sec 1s,2s and 3s chinese students went to the hall for some chinese yan jiang thingy and the malays went to the AVA ROOM (with AIRCON) to do stuff. there were about 10 contestants and they had to go on stage to say some ding-dong thingy about the news i guess -- like the NKF thing, kids committing suicide, blogging, etc. starting it was okay, but to me it was kinda torturing (i nvr said i liked chinese).
after the TEN contestants, everyone was getting really frigging bored. we all thought it was going to be over, then one of the 'judges' went on stage (he's a teacher, by the way) to talk abt his life experiences about going on stage... INTERESTING no? then after they announced the winners, dm came on stage to do a what you call, a reflect on our school's discipline etc. he starting talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. by then we were getting seriously restless. i mean, we were sitting there for TWO HOURS straight. i think my blood stopped flowing to my legs, cause i couldn't really feel them half way.
that 'reflection' totally spoilt my mood. at first grace and i we SO hyped abt going to lot1, then after that we were like gona die or smth. then we went to mac at jurong east and met wei juan and liwen. after lunch, wei juan went homeand liwen, grace and i took the train.
when grace and i reached lot1 we straight away went to the pretty in pink shop. after taking one round, we met the girl who sang a duet with hafiz at the the teachers' day concert and she smiled at us, so we smiled back at her. then we were like " er, i dun think we know you. haha" then she was like " i dun you guys too. hahaha." what a small world we live in eh?
okay, i think i better stop here for now. dun wanna make you guys fall asleep (:
woohoo. i love causeway point :). went there with audrey yesterday. we first went to search for the neoprint shop then after going to the top floor and seeing the directory, we finally found it. its a little shop called the 'print club' i think. i think lot 1 has more machines. this one has like 5 or 6 only if i remembered correctly.
when we went into one of the machines, the 'haunted' one (which is my TOTAL favourite), we chose one story, i think buttons 2 & 3. then they told a story in japanese then there was one scene with four middle-aged guys, and they we doing this action like when there's a free-kick. hahahaha. then we were like laughing like idiots at the screen. dint even bother to pose or whatever. hahaha. i think we must have laughed really loud or sumthing, cause when we came out, there was this two girls and they were kinda looking at us. oh, what the heck. haha. we were having too much fun to notice.
after we were broke, we went window shopping. gosh it sucks. looking at all those clothing and shoes with no money!! we went into metro (yea, yea, lotsa people say its an aunty aunty place, but they got really nice stuff there, you just have to know how to search for it :)), and started looking at tops. we saw SO many nice tops, but no money!! then we were really lame, we go and take those we really liked and went to the fitting room to try. wahaha. the person there dint even care that we were being lame and stuff. haha. then audrey saw this REALLY cute purple halter top, and it fit her perfectly, but no money!! so we went to 'hide' it among some other purple tops so that she can go back and buy the next day with her mom. haha. when we're good, we're good :). hey, you can't blame us, it was the last piece left!
then we went down to the shoe department and started trying on lots of shoes. i tried on one high which was like 3-4 inches high. haha. but the designw as really cute. thats one thing i love abt metro, the sales ppl dun really cum and bother you.
after that we went to Charles & Keith and we started trying on shoes, again :) there was a SALE. ahhhhh!! stupid. we shudn't have spent all our money on taking neoprints. there was so many people inside that when you went in, you can't even feel the air-con. they had to set up portable fans for us to actually breathe. haha.
then on the train back, we saw this old guy sitting at the corner. and he had this BEARD. whats up with the beard? its so weird. then his hair was kinda black and his beard was pure white. and he was sitting so damn straight that it looked like someone put a wooden plank to support his back. then he beard was SO staright, like he re-borned it or something. haha. then we were guessing, whether he dyed the beard or the hair. haha. we were laughing like idiots, again, but apparently no one cared. haha.
so one word of advice, dun ever grow a beard :)
bored bored bored! i kinda wish theres sch. gosh, i'm going crazy. i wanna faster get back my results! dying to know my math marks. actually i'm dying to know all my marks. hees. my teacher said that the girls did better the the guys for math. woohoo! thats one good thing :)
yesterday we went to watch corpse bride! it was kinda weird. i mean every one was skinny like a twig if not they looked really distorted. oh yea, there was one thing that was really funny. one of the corpse bride's eyeball kept on dropping out cause there was a maggot inside it. haha. here are some pictures from the show:

there's victoria and victor. they are getting married even though they have no idea who the other is.

this is the part where the corpse bride is really fed up with victor. (see how skinny they are?!)

these are two kids and scrappy. (aren't they cute? esp scrappy :))

theres the maggot from the corpse bride's eyeball! haha.

victoria's father. doesn't he remind you of someone at school? haha.

thats the lord barkuss or sumthing like that (sry, dun really know how to spell his name). and the butler holding the cup. see how high his nose is?!

scrappy! (at least i think thats what his name is)

victoria's mom. see how distorted her face and hair is? thank goodness they cut off part of her hair. if not she'll look worse. haha.

victor's parents.

ta-da! the end :) btw, victor did not end up with the corpse bride.
woohoo. i'm back :) EOYs are finally going to be over. thank god. today d&t sucked. it totally sucked. they give us like only ONE AND A HALF HOUR. who has enough time to do the test properly? and not only that, the teacher made the home ec students go to one side of the classtoom then the dt students go to the other side. then my place had GUM as in CHEWING GUM on the floor and i dint even know it. and i STEPPED on it. great eh? must find out whos that person who spat it on the floor. its SO gross and unhygenic. i think i have to throw away that pair of shoes. then the paper they made us sketch a picture of a car. yes, a CAR. you may think its really simple or whatsoever, but its seriously not. the car had lots of lines on it and they were coming out from dunno where. i spent HALF AN HOUR doing the damn picture. total waste of my time. then the place where i'm sitting is directly infront of the metal cupboard, then when my legs get crampy (no thanks to the genious person who set the table so near to the cupboard), i tend to stretch then i kick into the cupboard. i kicked into it like three times? and even grace who is like FOUR seats behind me can hear lor. so you can imagine how loud that is. haha. actually its quite funny. cause the class is so quiet and i'm banging into the cupboard. haha.
then when i came back, i spent SO much time on editing this blog. i kinda cheated. hehe. hey, i'm no HTML expert. i can't possibly start from scratch. it will take me like forever. anyways, all the best to people whose EOYs are not over yet :)